Institute of coding
Creative Direction, Illustration, Motion Graphics
Client: Institute of Coding
Agency: Karmarama
Collaborator: Tina Touli
Year: 2020
The Institute of Coding (IoC) is a government-funded initiative that runs various digital skills courses developed with industry input in universities across the UK. It was created in 2018 to specifically respond to the country’s massive digital skills gap, and has seen 32k+ people on their courses so far. They invited us to create six visual illustrated/animated assets that they can use on their new Instagram channel. The aim was to give a suite of assets outside of their existing CTRL Your Future campaign content but still in keeping with the brand’s overall look and feel. Each design has been created based on a different themes and stories.
Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Institute of Coding used this day to highlight how the tech industry is accessible for all, and that no matter what your ability is, there’s a place in digital for everyone.
Call to Action
Two more generic approaches as call to actions for people to engage in digital skills learning through the Institute of Coding.
International Women’s day
Institute of Coding used this day to celebrate the industry’s trailblazing women, and encourage young women to take the next step into tech with them.
Upskilling in visual digital
With so many young people at home due to the pandemic school closures, IoC wanted to promote their courses as a good way to develop visual digital skills and as an opportunity to explore the world of coding whilst they have lots of time on their hands.

Working from home
The future of work is getting more and more remote friendly. Advancements in technology are rapidly transforming the modern workplace and a large majority now is working from home. Institute of Coding wanted to use this opportunity to showcase the range of digital courses available that will help to boost productivity and work effectiveness.